von BVAP | Okt. 9, 2018 | Aquapäd 2018
H.E.A.T. with Katrien Lemahieu (Kataqua) High Energy Aquatic Training is based on the options for High Intensity Training, but with a lower intensity and longer duration as the standard HIIT or HITT. I have developed this workout as it is easier to perform for...
von BVAP | Okt. 9, 2018 | Aquapäd 2018
Aquatic Rebellion is derived from all Combat / Kick & Punches / TaeBo / Martial Arts combinations you can find. It is actually fighting the water, but with a mental focus. Concentration and coordination is the key, small combos are repeated over and over. My...
von BVAP | Okt. 9, 2018 | Aquapäd 2018
SAF AQUA Drums Vibes concept is a unique aqua fitness program which combines drums rhythms, excellent fun and fabulous training. Designing SAF AQUA Drums Vibes program we’ve altered our approach to resistance being used during training in water environment. We’ve...